首页 > 珠宝玉玺 > 项链首饰 > Tiffany Pt950红宝石吊坠项链Solest 41.0cm塞尔比银座店

Tiffany Pt950红宝石吊坠项链Solest 41.0cm塞尔比银座店

价格 43987.5
运费:包邮 热销:879 件 奖励:0 积分
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Tiffany Soleste is named after 鈥渟ol (sol)锛屸€ which means sun in Spanish.The center is surrounded by brightly colored rubies and 锛?.4 ct锛 diamonds with beads set around it 锛?.09ct锛烇紝 and are close to the face.The size that fits on the d茅colletage is exquisite and discreet yet accentuates锛 and the moderate size is perfect for everyday use. The brilliance of the pav茅 surrounding the beautiful blue sapphire adds intellect and glamor.Im sure youll feel an irreplaceable sense of elation that makes your heart flutter just by putting it on.

[Center Stone]
Stone: Ruby
Stone Detail: None
Stone Count: None
Color(Grade): None
Clarity(Grade): None
Fluorescence(Grade): None
Color(Spec): None
Clarity(Spec): None
Fluorescence(Spec): None

[Side Stone]
Stone: diamonds
Stone Count: None
Weight(Carat): None
Color: None
Clarity: None
Fluorescence: None

Metal Type: Pt950
Chain Length: 41.0
Weight(g): None

Material: not engraved
Weight(g): None

[Special Notes]
Brand new and finished at Tiffanys Ginza Main Store/ Regular Store Price 1锛?12锛?00 yen

Attention: Gem grades are evaluated according to our own evaluation criteria.
Attention: Our Listed Rings are shown as US size.
N - Pristine New锛 Not Used
S+ - Excellent Excellent锛 Allmost as good as new. Polished by official Store.
S - Excellent Excellent锛 Allmost as good as new.
A - Very Good A slightly used.
B - Good There are a few scratches锛 stains and looks a little used.
C - Fair There are some noticeable scratches and stains. Looks used.
D - Poor There are many scratches and stains. Looks very used.
J - Junk Looks very used锛 but still usable.
AAA Top Colorless
the D-to-E color range from GIA.
AAA Almost no inclusion can be confirmed even with a 10x magnifying glass. AAA The highest ranking shine among the gem.
AA Colorless
the F-to-H color range from GIA.
AA With a 10x magnifying glass锛 a slight inclusion can be seen. AA Only when compared to those of AAA rank锛 it can be confirmed that the brightness is slightly inferior.
A Near Colorless
the I-to-L color range from GIA.
A If you squint with the naked eye锛 a slight inclusion can be confirmed. A As a jewel锛 it has enough shine.
B Very Light
the lesser N color from GIA.
B You can see several inclusions with the naked eye. B You can see that the terri is slightly sweet.
C Light Color
the lesser S color from GIA.
C The existence of inclusion can be clearly confirmed with the naked eye. C It doesn鈥檛 look bright because it is cloud.

41 1.75 1
42 2 - 2.25 2
43 2.5 3
44 2.75 - 3 4
45 3.25 5
46 3.75 6
47 4 7
48 4.5 8
49 4.75 - 5 9
50 5.25 10
51 5.5 - 5.75 11
52 6 12
53 6.25 - 6.5 13
54 6.75 - 7 14
55 7.25 15
56 7.5 16
57 7.75 - 8 17
58 8.25 - 8.5 18
59 8.75 19
60 9 20
61 9.5 21
62 9.75 - 10 22
63 10.25 23
64 10.5 - 10.75 24
65 11 25

About Us

  • SELBY store image

  • We were established in 2000 and head office located in Tokyo. There are 2 stores located in Ginza
    where is luxuary shopping area in central Tokyo and Ueno Okachimachi is the Specialized area for Jewerly sales.
  • We are approved seller from Tokyo Metropolitan Police
    License No. : 306600105777 (Used Item Seller)
  • We have a large selection of jewelries.
    We guarantee that all of the items we list and sell are authentic.
    Feel free to contact us if you have any questions

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  • Customs Tax
    • Import duties锛 taxes锛 and charges are NOT INCLUDED in the item prices.
    • Import duties锛 taxes锛 and other additional fees might be charged by your local customs. It is the buyers responsibility to pay all of the taxes and any other fees.
    • If you have any questions about import duties or taxes锛 please contact the customs office in your country before you purchase or make an offer.


  • PayPal

    • Shipping
      • All items will be shipped from Japan.
      • Orders are not shipped on weekends or holidays.
      • Usually shipped within 3-5 business days after payment.
      • We can only make shipment to the registered address with your ebay account.
      • 锛奡ome conditions cannot be delivered. Please check the shipping conditions.
      • Shipped by UPS or Fedex.
      • Shipping and insurance will be borne by us. If the buyer has any wishes锛 please contact us.
    • Delivery Time
      1. Items usually takes approximately 4-10 business days to be delivered
      2. Delivery of goods may take some time due to the following reasons.
        1. Bad weathers
        2. Events such as holidays
        3. Customs delay

    Return/Cancellation Policies

    • We sell our items on other websites and in our retail stores in Japan at the same time.
      If the item was sold out before your purchase锛 your order will be cancelled and a full refund will be issued immediately.
    • Buyers are able to request extra pictures of the item they purchased Buyers are allowed to return the item within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.
    • If buyers are not satisfied with their purchase.
      Please contact us before starting a return and also provide us the tracking number of the item.